28 ene 2018

When Detroit Muscle Powered a Breakthrough in Heart Surgery

The other day being in Boston I bought The New York Times. 
These lines are an exact replica of one wonderful article I read there.
As they still do, General Motors cars cruised the streets in the shadow of Detroit’s Harper Hospital in 1952. Above them was the room of Henry Opitek, a cardiac patient who would come to owe his life to the engineers who built those cars — and who helped foster a partnership between the automotive and medical industries that continues today.
The combined efforts of Harper doctors and G.M. engineers would produce a miraculous machine — a mechanical device that would temporarily replace Mr. Opitek’s heart.

The operation was performed by a team led by Dr. Forest D. Dodrill, who had approached G.M. about a partnership after reasoning that pumping blood would be much like pumping fuel. Not only did it save a life, but it paved the way for the heart procedures carried out today. And as the car world descends on Detroit this week to catch a glimpse of the future at the North American International Auto Show, visitors could spare a moment for a look at history inside Harper Hospital, where one of the mechanical hearts remains on display.
Although the auto and medical industries have often worked side by side — from Ford’s establishment of a medical center for its workers in the 1910s to present-day OnStar technology from G.M. and Honda’s Walking Assist Device — the machine that came to be known as the Michigan Heart is arguably the most significant and dramatic example.

“Dodrill took a big step that at least demonstrated open-heart surgery could be done while circulating blood with a pump,” said Dr. Larry W. Stephenson, a professor of surgery at Wayne State University who documented the operation at length in a 2002 article for the Journal of Cardiac Surgery. “His achievements were one of the big steppingstones going forward.”
In the 1940s, Dr. Dodrill and other heart surgeons were performing cardiac operations that were palliative rather than corrective, because they couldn’t operate within the heart and get to the root of the problem.
But he reasoned that if a machine could temporarily take over the heart’s pumping duties during an operation, a largely unobstructed view of the heart’s interior and access to its chambers would be possible. As a Detroiter, Dr. Dodrill knew his neighbors were well qualified to design such a machine.
Dr. Dodrill approached Dr. Warren B. Cooksey, a Harper cardiologist and president of the Michigan Heart Association, hoping to generate support for a mechanical heart engineering project. Fortuitously, Charles E. Wilson, a G.M. president with an abiding interest in heart research, served as chairman of the association’s board. Dr. Cooksey introduced Dr. Dodrill to Mr. Wilson, and the two men met to discuss how a mechanical heart might work.

A team of more than a dozen engineers and researchers was assigned the task of developing a mechanical heart, under the leadership of a G.M. engineer, Edward V. Rippingille Sr. Among those who checked in on the team’s progress was Charles F. Kettering, a retired G.M. vice president and inventor who had co-sponsored what is now Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center.
Although there was no room for error with lives at stake, the task seemed straightforward. “We have pumped oil, gasoline, water and other fluids one way or another in our business,” Mr. Rippingille said in a 1952 G.M. publication, “The Fateful Heart,” that was cited by Dr. Stephenson. “It seems only logical we should try to pump blood.”
Over the next 20 months, Mr. Rippingille’s team of engineers built and tested at least 10 mechanical hearts. Eventually, they settled on a design that resembled a V12 engine, with six pump units on each of two banks. One bank replaced the heart’s left side; the other replaced the right. The pump units gently circulated blood when positive and negative air pressure was alternately applied to flexible diaphragms inside sanitary glass tubes.
Once a working prototype of the mechanical heart had been developed, extensive surgical trials were conducted on dogs obtained from shelters where they had been scheduled for extermination. The lives of 84 dogs were lost in the pursuit, but after months of work, eight consecutive operations proved successful. The machine was deemed a success, and the first dog to survive became a Rippingille family pet.
On July 3, 1952, Dr. Dodrill operated on the 41-year-old Mr. Opitek’s failing heart, while its mechanical stand-in circulated his blood. Mr. Rippingille and two other G.M. employees monitored the operation of the device, while Dr. Dodrill and a surgical team successfully repaired Mr. Opitek’s mitral heart valve. According to Dr. Stephenson, it was the first instance of a surgery that the patient survived while a mechanical heart maintained blood supply.
In all, G.M. built four mechanical hearts for Harper Hospital between 1951 and 1956. An oxygenator that supplemented the patient’s lungs was developed in 1954 and was subsequently used in combination with the device. The Michigan Heart eventually found a home in the Smithsonian; a slightly later model is in the Harper Hospital lobby, and a third is on display at the G.M. Heritage Center in Sterling Heights, Mich.
“The Michigan Heart project of 1952 was an early example of how G.M. technology can benefit the world in a variety of ways,” said Greg Wallace, manager of the G.M. Heritage Center. “This extraordinary effort served as inspiration for G.M. employees.”
Years later, General Motors would develop OnStar, which among other features can use telemetry data to estimate the severity of accident injuries for medical personnel. And other advancements are in place — or in the works — across the industry to prevent injuries, including crash-avoidance systems and a Mercedes-Benz project that hopes to detect imminent loss of driver consciousness.
But such digital advancements owe at least a spiritual debt to the technology of the past, when Detroit muscle powered a heart and gave Henry Opitek another 29 years of life.
                 The New York Times. 

12 ene 2018

¿Qué es lo que vende?

En los negocios el emprendedor a veces no sabe lo que vende inicialmente.

Ray Kroc, el extinto CEO de McDonald´s creía que el dinero de su negocio estaba en la comida. Al verse perdiendo dinero a pesar del crecimiento de la franquicia, Kroc descubrió, gracias a un asesor, que el dinero no estaba en la hamburguesa, sino en el terreno sobre el cual se cocinaba la hamburguesa.

Esta epifanía lo llevo a fundar una compañía inmobiliaria para comprar, alquilar y administrar los locales donde se establecían los restaurantes de la franquicia. Para rentabilizar dicha corporación, Ray Kroc estableció su práctica y se adineró de tal forma que se adueñó de toda la cadena de restaurantes. 

Así es. McDonald´s no era de él. Pertenecía a los hermanos McDonald. 
Ellos, ante una marcada y sistemática insistencia, le dieron permiso a Kroc para franquiciar su restaurante. Tal permiso estaba supeditado a un número de exigencias contractuales a las cuales Ray Kroc accedió, pero no cumplió.

Procediendo sobre la base de una actitud tenaz y hasta cierto grado inescrupulosa, Ray Kroc apalancó la fortuna devengada de la compañía inmobiliaria para desatar una batalla legal con los hermanos McDonald. Batalla que los obligó a cederle total control de la corporación a Ray Kroc por la relativamente irrisoria cantidad de 2,5 millones de dólares. 

Por esa cantidad vendieron los hermanos McDonald una corporación que en la actualidad muestra un volumen de ventas que supera los 27.000 millones de dólares.

Lo que hizo Ray Kroc con los hermanos McDonald estuvo mal. Los avasalló de una manera aplastante cuando fueron ellos los que le dieron la oportunidad de replicar su innovador concepto de comida rápida. Es verdad que el modelo de rentabilidad a través de la compañía inmobiliaria lo ideó Kroc con la ayuda de un asesor. Pero el motor de dicha rentabilidad fue la creatividad y efectividad del modelo de restaurante creado por los hermanos.

En otras palabras, así como el huevo no antecede la gallina, sino la gallina al huevo, el restaurante McDonald´s como tal fue el que rentabilizó el modelo de bienes raíces que instauró Ray Kroc. Sim embargo, Kroc a los hermanos no les dio participación. Todo lo contrario, orquestó maquiavélicamente su exclusión.

Más allá de las ambigüedades éticas y morales que permean en esta historia, está la lección de que en los negocios no es necesariamente lo que vendes lo que vende. Lo que realmente vende, en lo que respecta a la rentabilidad, puede ser un elemento aparentemente periférico al producto central. Tal fue el caso con la hamburguesa y la propiedad inmobiliaria en el caso de McDonald.

Lo mismo ha sucedido con la oportunidad de socializar que ha provisto Facebook y otras redes sociales. Venden la socialización entre personas, pero lo que vende es el mercadeo a personas a través de sus redes de personas. Por lo tanto, preguntémonos, qué es lo que vendemos.

Más importante aún, profundicemos y analicemos si vendiendo lo que vendemos podremos alcanzar el éxito empresarial.

Quizás sea preciso vender elementos paralelos a lo que vendemos para que podamos seguir vendiendo lo que vendemos.